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Thanks for your kind support and for your interest in the Dementia Singalong Therapy Program!)

All donations are exempt from taxation. We are a 501(c)(3) Federal Charity.

To send donations by physically mailing, please make check to: Dementia Singalong Therapy Program, then send to: 

Dementia Singalong Therapy Program

c/o Cheryl Hodge, President

1510 N Forest St, #209                                         Bellingham, WA 98225




Cheryl Hodge - President, Founder of the Dementia Singalong Therapy Program.  Cheryl is an award winning jazz musician and former faculty member of Berklee College of Music in Boston (Voice; Sight Reading) and the Selkirk College Music Program in Nelson, BC.  She won Best Jazz Song (2013) at the Hollywood Music In Media Awards; and has been nominated 3 other times for Best Jazz, Best Blues songs. She is the recipient of a "Grindie Award" (Radio, and Best College Jazz Choir Award (Lionel Hampton Music Festival Moscow, Idaho). Now semi-retired, she continues to tour, and give clinics/choirs in the field of Singalong Therapy. She is the author of "Alzheimer's, Dementia & the Healing Power of Music", and "A Singer's Guide to the Well-Trained & Powerful Voice. She has recorded 12 CDs. Email thru website.

June Fisher Thompson (Adviser)- June has been involved in various programs in the Northwestern U.S. for many years. She has been active on the board for six wonderful years.

Lindsey Boldrin (Adviser) - Lindsay is the Activities Director at Brookdale in Fairhaven, WA.  She has been a huge boost to increasing good spirit in the Senior Facility there.  Cheryl brought her on to the board because of her expertise in being able to discern what senior residents find stimulating and rewarding.  She is a huge supporter of the healing properties of Music, as it relates to Dementia.

Dylan Hodge (Vice President/Treasurer) - Currently involved in college courses in Computer Programming; Cheryl's son, Dylan Hodge, is a gifted musician in his own right.  As an extremely accomplished bass player, he has been touring with Cheryl Hodge since he was sixteen years old; playing with such luminaries as jazz guitar great, John Stowell; and studying bass with world renowned players; including Stuart Hamm and Dave Captein.  Dylan currently resides in Vancouver, WA